Spirited Away is a Japanese Animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, incredible fantasy animated film which everyone should watch

This was the first Japanese animated movie I watched, as I wasn’t a big fan of Japanese animation but my love for Final Fantasy games compelled me to watch it. Since then I started loving these animated films and all the movies either directed by Hayao Miyazaki or published by Studio Ghibli. The movie is about a…

Amnesia : The Dark Descent…a dark and twisted Horror game which will give you nightmares, not to be played past midnight my rating 10/10

One of the scariest horror games on earth, not to be taken lightly, this game will give you hallucinations at night and wouldn’t let you sleep. The environment shown in the game is so creepy that to progress a player has to dwell deep into his soul to find the courage needed to play this game. Unlike…

Grave of the Fireflies “Love, it never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. Love can make you immortal” , my rating 10/10

Honestly, this is my favourite movie out of all the other animated movies I have seen till date. I would start by first of all telling you that this movie is the God of all animated movies built to date and it is the best work of Director Isao Takahata. It is based on a true…

DOOM(2016) Game…warning viewers this article is full of action packed, hacking, slashing, butchering, slaughtering and dismembering

BEHOLD…viewers, if you love dismembering, hacking, slashing and butchering with a chainsaw then you have come to the right place. In addition to this there are lots and lots of amazing weapons which you can use to slaughter the enemies in countless pieces especially our second favourite double-barrelled shotgun. This game is yet to be released…

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