This was the first Japanese animated movie I watched, as I wasn’t a big fan of Japanese animation but my love for Final Fantasy games compelled me to watch it. Since then I started loving these animated films and all the movies either directed by Hayao Miyazaki or published by Studio Ghibli.
The movie is about a ten-year-old girl, Chihiro who moves into a new neighbourhood with her family but accidentally stumbles into a world of ghosts, spirits, witch and magic. Her struggle to escape this horrendous journey is simply brilliant. Friendship, loyalty and love are vital aspects of this whole animated melodrama which makes it a unique experience for the audience.
How can a little girl finds its way out of this magical world ? Or will she be enslaved in this horrific nightmare for eternity ? Who and what are these ghosts and spirits she encounters ? Are they haunting her ? Or Is there an another story which needs to be unravelled ?
The tale is captivating, unreal and music is towering. Miyazaki’s work made this film reach unattainable heights in terms of endowing it with exquisite architecture, ornamental features, taking inspiration from some old Japanese buildings, inns, onsen(bathhouse) their unique architecture and inner beauty.
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